Very disappointed in Auto Surgeon. Have been with them for years and trusted their recommendations for routine maintenance and repairs (I've done my own research and what they said has always seemed legit) but they may have lost two customers today by trying to upsell us on oil changes. Wife brought our 2007 Toyota Matrix which requires standard oil change every 5k miles. She was up sold to a synthetic oil change which cost 50% more because she was told that was good for 6k miles, instead of 3k miles for the standard oil change. When I called the lady and challenged her, she just spewed a bunch of garbage about switching between conventional and synthetic oil and told me that my 2012 Honda Fit shouldn't be changed with synthetic oil every 10k miles as the manual suggests. Really? I'm supposed to ignore the maintenance manual and change oil twice as often because you say so? That's how you lose a formerly loyal customer. Edit: Justin, I appreciate your response, but there still are several things which don't sit right with me: -You're conflating conventional and synthetic oil. I would never go more than 5,000 miles with conventional oil (and of course they're risking blown engines beyond that, even if it's a new car). I would with synthetic and if the car was designed for that. My Honda Fit is, my Toyota Matrix is not. -I understand you're catering to customers who can't or won't maintain their vehicles properly. I'm not one of them and I check my fluid levels every month or two. It's wasteful and unnecessary to replace the oil with a full 5 quarts twice as often because people can't be bothered to check and top it off with a quart or two if needed, but please don't assume all of your customers can't be bothered. -Still haven't heard why she was upsold a synthetic oil change instead of what she actually needed. -We just rotated the tires a thousand miles ago so I'm guessing a second rotation so soon would have led to uneven wear on the tires, but thanks for asking. Best of luck.